Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dear Mama...

I feel so close to death already. God, I'm only 15. There's nothing left for me here. I feel it, and i know every one else does too. You have to, I'm around you 24/7 looking up at you with hopeful eyes...My soul, pleading with you to save me, not once did you try. This is not a harmful letter, it's intentions are not to try and hurt you...It was written to say I Love You, I Love You and Goodbye. Guess What ma, i still see Denny sometimes. Remember the imaginary friend i had when i was little?...I was cute wasn't i? Anyways, he's a really nice guy. Well, i left some poems for you to read...Some things i wrote over the course of my life...Maybe then and only then will you be able to understand me and my thoughts. Poetry is like wine, some poems are bitter, some are sour, and some are fine. My Writings are like fine wine Mommy, You'd be proud, I promise. This is the end of my one sided conversation with you, but only because I've run out of time. There is so much more i wish to speak with you about but i guess I'll tell you more from purgatory. I Love You Mommy, and if we speak no more when I'm gone, I hope i see you again one day. I love you, No really, I do.


Kristine said...

That was a very nice letter or poem that you wrote to or about your mom.

SiMPLiCiTYofJUiCyHannas;JUiCySiMPLiCiTYofHannas said...

Zuri i'm at an understanding in which of how u feel. It's the emotions, the wanting of the attention, just from the one who u felt as though should have always been there to comfort you..... as oppose that they should be the same soul to disown you????? You pray so your soul can be aided.As you gracefuly escape all destruction & on your way is the seemingly endless expanse of the universe beyond ........ what is your true feelings on the behalf of this poem